An example of implementing a system for billing
The company has about 70 000 users of its services. With each user conditions are defined in the contract and the prices of services are defined by the territorial principle. Automate the production of monthly invoices, linking to payments, provide all necessary reports and ease application for exceptions.
Using the possibilities of flexible document definitions, contracts with customers are recorded through a special type of document, defined by precise user specifications. The document records information about the duration of the contract, the buyer, the object for which the service is contracted, the type and quantity of contracted services, etc. The prices of services are defined in the standard price lists of OperaOpus, per belonging to the district. Automatic generator prepares payment slips for all valid contracts in the selected period, places all necessary entries in the general ledger, Accounts and VAT records. The generator can be run many times, and system controls all the possible changes in the contracts and terms of generating. To print payment slips preview menu of printing criteria is secured (by any combination of filters for the house numbers, streets, villages, districts), with information on pre-printed documents. On payment slip is printed customer's current balance, and also generated a special reference number by which the payment is automatically associated with indebtedness. Payments are automatically imported into the system from the bank statement files of commercial banks. For all customers it is possible to calculate and on the same way to print and send a notices of non-payment and interest calculations.
The system has integrated special features to facilitate manipulation of individual contracts, customers and facilities.
For the Board is secured a set of pivot reports showing business efficiency by districts of business, customers, sale persons ...