CRM = Customer Relationship Management

CRM and Microsoft Outlook

Since today a large part of business correspondence takes place via e-mail, OperaOpus CRM for sending and receiving electronic mail use Microsoft Outlook. This integration was performed imperceptible to the user, i.e. e-mails and documents (offers, invoices, reports ...) can be sent directly from the system, and their trace can be viewed in Outlook folders. Emails that arrive in the Outlook Inbox can be viewed through the CRM, and operators decide which e-mails should be linked to CRM. Once linked, this mail becomes common to all CRM users (depending on authority), and may be linked to any CRM item. It is also possible to write all the mails in Outlook, and subsequently import into CRM. Within CRM it is possible to create mail templates and mailing distribution lists.


Francesca Tenchinija 2a
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

+385 1 379 00 11