Internet business
Record of bank statements in the system is automated. It is performed by the transfer into the system from an online bank statement formats.
Payment is done by selecting the unpaid parts of incoming invoices and by generating payments. Depending on the selection of the beneficiaries of the received payment, patterns are printed on the money transfer forms or summary transfer order is prepared in digital form ready to send to the bank online. Also, the system allows creating proposals for compensation and for foreign exchange transactions creation of Order 14. Recording counterparts and control of the state on the statements is automated by predefined accounts with the currencies per giro accounts of the banks. To automatically generate payment of incoming invoices it is enabled pre-defining of assumed partners account from the list of his bank giro accounts, with the possibility of correcting bank giro account upon recording incoming invoice. Upon recording foreign currency payments, courses of foreign currency are added to the system by automated withdrawal of the CNB middle exchange rate from the Internet.